Tired, but still sent!

May 29, 2022    Pastor Monroe Johnson

You can still rejoice regardless of your circumstances.
Did you hear that?
No matter what your struggles are; no matter what conflicts you have; no matter what problems you face. If makes no difference if it was created by you or someone else as long as you have breath in your body, you still have purpose on this earth.
You must remember that it is because of God that you live and breathe and have your being. (Acts 17:28) and if you’re still breathing, then you still have purpose.
It’s okay if you’re tired of the struggles of life as long as you realize that you don’t have to be here. as long as you realize that there is still hope.
The first 39 chapters of Isaiah discuss God’s judgement for the Jews because of their sin. They had to be exiled from their homeland and taken captive.
Many times, the struggles you face are because of the issues of the world or those who are close to you. But sometimes it is your own doing and you have to suffer for a period of time because of your own sin. That suffering can cause you to become discouraged and tired. But rest assured that you may be tired, but if you’re still breathing, YOU’RE STILL SENT. God still has a work for you to do.
During the time of your captivity or struggles you may feel as if God has left you for a season. Sometimes God will allow you to stew in the mess you put yourself in while He righteously disciplines you much like you would a rebellious teenager who knows the rules of the house yet refuses to follow the instructions. God does not reward bad behavior.
But also know that when that season of struggle is drawing to a close God will send someone to you to encourage you that there is still purpose for your life. Always remember that even when you’re tired you need to continue to talk to God, repent and look for the promise of deliverance from your situation. When the timing is right, God’s timing, He will begin to tell you what your next step is in order to recover. But through it all, no matter how tired you get, keep your faith. Hebrews 11:1-2 says that faith is the confident assurance that something we want (or hope for) is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. (The Living Bible)
Even though your struggles are real, even if they are sometimes because of your own rebelliousness, remember that sin may change you, but it will never change God. It can make you bitter, hostile, and tired. You may not act like the well-behaved children that He desires, working to establish His kingdom and not allowing sin to run you off the rails, but He does not change. His purpose for you is still in place, He could very well be waiting for YOUR heart to change.
Isaiah had to check Israel in verse 28 but because of who God is He will give you your strength and power back despite your flaws and rebellious nature. But He will do this, not because of who YOU are but because of who HE is.
Psalm 139:8-13 demonstrates the love and purpose God has for us. He won’t leave you in a dark place. He won’t just leave you tired because we’re YOU’RE STILL SENT.
Stay steady and wait patiently through your struggle and trial because as verse 31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.”