"Can You See Her?"
(Happy Mother’s Day)
Disclaimer: NOT for women only. Why? Because
everybody needs to understand the struggles of mothers.
This is for all women, not just Mom’s.
This is for grandmothers, sisters, aunties, cousins,
godmothers, foster moms, adoptive moms, stepmoms,
neighborhood moms and spiritual moms. This is for the
women of God who minister to and nurture each other.
Mothers will go to great lengths whenever they believe
someone near and dear to them is in trouble. That
includes husbands, children, family members and friends.
The theme of our service today, Mother’s Day, is HATS
AND HEELS. But the truth of the matter is that when there
is trouble around, it’s pretty difficult to run in heels. So, in
that case, a mother will immediately kick them off to be
able to run faster. Her heels, which represent her beauty
and sophistication, will come off in a millisecond in order to
tend to the needs of others. Her hat…her hat is a
representation of a crown. There is a phrase that says,
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” This phrase
comes from a Shakespearean play about King Henry the
fourth. It refers to the difficulties, duties and responsibilities
of the one who wears the crown, which is primarily the
King. However, the Queen also wears a crown and has
her own duties and responsibilities too. But for the
purposes of this message, lets switch that crown into a hat
to go along with our Mother’s Day theme.
As women, let’s take a look at some of the different hast
mother’s (women) wear. There is the accountant, artist,
banker, business owner, cook coach, caregiver, chauffeur,
disciplinarian, doctor, educator, housekeeper, mediator,
negotiator, organizer, stylist, student and trainer, just to
name a few. The list is endless.
As a mom there are so many hats to wear that she
sometimes forgets which one to put on.
She seldom talks about her roles because she doesn’t
want to appear to be complaining.
She doesn’t want to be judged by others as she quite
often judges herself.
She feels inadequate and keeps her feelings to
herself…she suffers in silence.
She sacrifices for everyone even to the point that she puts
her own dreams on hold as she gives and gives and gives
of herself constantly.
She’s overwhelmed, sometimes discouraged and
Tired, tired, tired but continues to stand as she cries,
prays, fasts and completes the duties assigned to her.
She has many scars. Many issues that she has not fully
dealt with that are a hindrance to her growth and freedom.
But to look at her you may not really see it.
But mothers shouldn’t hide behind make up, clothes,
career and family.
Life issues need to be dealt with at the root and not just on
the surface. There are things going on deep within the
heart and soul of a mother that need to be addressed. Her
root. Looking at plants and the importance their roots play
in their health we see that the roots need to be handled
with care because if the root is damaged it can be
extremely harmful or can even kill the entire plant. And so,
it is with the heart and soul of a mother. When she is
damaged at the root it can cause her to die mentally,
emotionally, spiritually and sometimes even physically.
Many mothers today are broken. And, as mothers, they
are often good at hiding their stuff which can make it
difficult for them to get their complete deliverance and
healing because they’re too busy trying to be strong for
everybody else.
Can you see her? Can you see yourself?
Nehemiah 8:10 says, THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY
As a mother, she cannot make it without God’s joy and
strength to help her get through each year, each month,
each week, each day, each hour. Just like that old gospel
song that cries out to God, “I need Thee, O I need thee!
Every hour I need Thee…”
As a mother YOU may be asking God, “What season am I
in?” His response today is that you are in a season of
release and restoration. There are things you’ll have to
release in order to be restored.
God takes good care of what He has created. That
includes you. You just have to learn how to get out of your
own way. You need to learn how to stop carrying stuff that
you shouldn’t be carrying. Hebrews 12:1 says to “lay aside
every weight that so easily besets you.” You don’t have to
carry all that extra weight. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28,
“Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and
I will give you rest.”
It’s time to stop holding back the tears and screams of
deliverance and healing. It’s time to break free. It’s time to
empty out the heaviness so you can make room for your
The labor room can be difficult but if you’re willing to go
through the pain you WILL birth your purpose.
Can you see her?
Can you see yourself?
Are you still hiding?
It’s time to come out! It’s time to get your joy and strength
from God.
Stop hiding behind your struggles trying to put up a good
front. Be transparent and watch God work.
Can you see her?